Friday 8 October 2010

Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution' ---> Documentry.

   Auschwitz: The Nazis and the "Final solution" is a documentary which presents the evolution of Auschwitz by interviewing former imamates and guards, using rare archive footage and dramatic reconstructions. The reconstructions help audiences to have a more emotional understanding of the event. However, as a documentary, the reconstruction must affect the objective evidence of the archival footage and also makes the documentary unrealistic.
  I found this quote on a website: "Documentary film material about the Holocaust is highly problematic since the circumstances under which it was taken would very often strongly undermine its value as 'objective' evidence. A newsreel filmed by a Wehrmacht propaganda company cannot be perceived as an objective representation of an event, whatever the claims of its makers"(, Item 9)
   In general, the footage helps the director provide a sense of realism; different documentaries need different kinds of footage. As the documentary is about the Holocaust, the director must have struggled to find footage. In the period of the Holocaust, the whole world was a mess. Even though it's archival, some of the content might still differ from the truth. We still need to query it.
   I did not watch the whole documentary because it is so long. However, when I watched it, a sense of fear was created in my mind very quickly. It made me feel the reality of the events because it looked realistic. When the interviewees talked about their real experiences, we can imagine being taken to the concentration camp. We might start to think about how people survived this “Hell”. The fear is beyond our imagination. I think when people have experienced something they have a kind of power to make you think about things deeply when they talk about it.
  “We were not only starved for food, but also, starved for human kindness.” (Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution’, (Item 4).
   Jews and other races are all human. Why did they suffer this disaster? They could bear starvation, but I do not think they deserved to be treated like this. This documentary suggests its time to reawaken human kindness and prevent any event like this happening in the future.

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