Friday 22 October 2010

Book: "An introduction to Television Documentary" pg 3 - 4

What people think about Documentaries:

1. I watch documentaries to widen my horizons. I feel Im learning more about the world in which I live in.

2. Some of these programmes are really quite exciting .You can get very involved in the stories they tell.

3. What I expect from documentaries is that it will tackle issues in much greater depth than a news or current affairs programme ever could.

4. watching documentaries makes me want to go out and discover more about the issues raised. The programme itself often just scratches the surface

-- All these responses show that viewers appraoch documentaries with differenct expectation. They all gain different pleasures (uses and gratifications) from watching documentaries.

1 comment:

  1. Raw materials in documentaries will be gathered from socio historical worl and therefore the final product will be from primary sources and real.

    However, in fictional films the materials will be created from imagination of the creater (i.e: Schindlers list, we see the holocaust throught speilbergs perspective)...
